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Friday 18 July 2014

Pete Pulls a Fast One

OK, just when I thought Pete would do next years invasion of the USA on his trusty "El Diablo" aka the KLR650, he decides to switch up. We were out for a training run for our upcoming ultra marathon in August. Ya, we are running, well more like wogging (a cross between walking and jogging), because only genetic freaks can actually run 67 km.

Anyway, on this training run Pete says to me, you get the Ural and I'll keep the retro old school tradition going and ride a Royal Enfield. I'm like "whoa, where did this come from!" Awesome idea, I never even thought of an Enfield.

This has Oxley written all over it.

So good luck getting across the border now, three scruffy Canadians with plans on burning down the White House again, aka 1812, riding Indian and Russian motorcycles. ( just kidding again about the burning of the White House)

Oh ya, that little run of ours.........only a month and half to go. We are wogging 40km tomorrow, somewhere in the Sussex area on ATV trails and logging roads. Pete's dad is a land baron of the Sussex hillside and owns a bazillion acres up there. Dave is currently busy mapping out a nice 40km route as I write this.

So bright and early tomorrow morning we head out on what will be Pete's longest run to date, and my longest run in 12 years.

This was halfway thru our last run of 30km. Ya I didn't look that happy at the end.

1 comment:

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